In addition to Chiocciola Prize, Slow Food has awarded our Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil with another important recognition: We are Slow Food Presidium!

It’s the fifth consecutive year for our Organic EVOO Fonte Della Pace to gain this important recognition and just 5 Olive Oil Producers in Umbria can boast the title!

What does the Slow Food Presidium do?

  • Organizes training activities: to improve the quality of the product and the sustainability of the production chain, to sharpen the producer’s sensory capabilities, help create associations between the producers involved and develop eco-compatible packaging.
  • Promotes and supports their products and their local areas, showcasing them during events (such as the Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre, Cheese and Slow Fish, in Italy, and AsioGusto in South Korea) making them known to chefs (through the Slow Food Chef’s Alliance project) and fostering direct retail (through community-supported agriculture initiatives or Earth Markets).
  • Communicates: telling the story of the products, producers and their lands through all of the Slow Food Foundation of Biodiversity’s means of communication: websites, e-newsletters, publications, videos, photographic exhibitions, press office…
  • Creates a platform for Slow Food Presidia producers to interact with producers in other regions or parts of the world, with chefs and retailers, experts (agronomists, veterinarians…), universities, journalists and simple consumers.

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What a surprise!

We participated at the olive harvest with the Pinelli family. I must say that the atmosphere that was breathed was magical. Then we attended their oil festival, along with a hundred other people. Fantastic experience that we will take with us. Grazie mille!

Endless flavour

Every time we come to Paciano meeting Lucia, we are amazed at how the simplest things can be the most wonderful.

Martin Moore